Friday, December 7, 2007

"a day of infamy"

Today is the anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor.

Not very newsworthy today, but a day that should not be forgotten.

When i was growing up, and studied history in school, I remember reading the words of President Roosevelt in his speech given on December 8th, 1941:

"yesterday, December 7th, 1941 - a date which will live in infamy"

Not being a literary wizard, I always thought "infamy" just meant something like "always famous" or "never forget". Being a little more educated now, I truly have a greater appreciation and understanding about what FDR was saying, and how he chose his words.

He was referring to this day as one created by the evil that took place that morning. The idea that while Japan was courting the politicians for peace in the Pacific Ocean while they were secretly planning an invasion of this country.

Pearl Harbor wasn't just an attack. It wasn't a sucker punch to pick a fight with the U.S., it was the first step in an invasion of U.S. soil. The Japanese were convinced they could take over the United States.

It was the first time in almost 200 years that a foreign country had attacked our shores. Americans flocked to the military and enlisted to defend our shores. 17 year old young men were signing up. There were multiple instances where those who were not accepted commited suicide. Without question, joining the military to defend our shores was the right thing to do. The entire nation responded. Factories were re-tooled to make airplanes, ships, and weapons. Everyone sacrificed for the common cause of keeping this free country free.

FDR's speech in many ways is hauntingly familiar today:
"Mr. Vice President, Mr. Speaker, members of the Senate and the House of Representatives: yesterday, December 7th, 1941 - a date which will live in infamy - the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan.

The United States was at peace with that nation, and, at the solicitation of Japan, was still in conversation with its Government and its Emperor looking toward the maintenance of peace in the Pacific. Indeed, one hour after Japanese air squadrons had commenced bombing in the American island of Oahu, the Japanese Ambassador to the United States and his colleague delivered to our Secretary of State a formal reply to a recent American message. And while this reply stated that it seemed useless to continue the existing diplomatic negotiations, it contained no threat or hint of war or of armed attack.

It will be recorded that the distance of Hawaii from Japan makes it obvious that the attack was deliberately planned many days or even weeks ago. During the intervening time the Japanese Government has deliberately sought to deceive the United States by false statements and expressions of hope for continued peace.

The attack yesterday on the Hawaiian Islands has caused severe damage to American naval and military forces. I regret to tell you that very many American lives have been lost. In addition American ships have been reported torpedoed on the high seas between San Francisco and Honolulu.

Yesterday the Japanese Government also launched an attack against Malaya.

Last night Japanese forces attacked Hong Kong.

Last night Japanese forces attacked Guam.

Last night Japanese forces attacked the Philippine Islands.

Last night the Japanese attacked Wake Island.

And this morning the Japanese attacked Midway Island.

Japan has, therefore, undertaken a surprise offensive extending throughout the Pacific area. The facts of yesterday and today speak for themselves. The people of the United States have already formed their opinions and well understand the implications to the very life and safety of our nation.

As Commander-in-Chief of the Army and Navy, I have directed that all measures be taken for our defense.

But always will our whole nation remember the character of the onslaught against us. No matter how long it may take us to overcome this premeditated invasion, the American people in their righteous might will win through to absolute victory.

I believe that I interpret the will of the Congress and of the people when I assert that we will not only defend ourselves to the uttermost but will make it very certain that this form of treachery shall never again endanger us.

Hostilities exist. There is no blinking at the fact that our people, our territory and our interests are in grave danger.

With confidence in our armed forces - with the unbounding determination of our people - we will gain the inevitable triumph - so help us God.

I ask that the Congress declare that since the unprovoked and dastardly attack by Japan on Sunday, December 7th, 1941, a state of war has existed between the United States and the Japanese Empire."

The United States will always have enemies as long as it remains a free nation. There is no freedom greater than what exists in our country. Our democracy is an unwritten threat to every dictatorship, either politcal or religious, that oppresses billions of people throughout the world.

I'll never forget the words i heard when I was in Khartuom, Sudan. Standing among literally hundreds of muslims outside a mosque, there was one who did not return the arabic greeting "as-salamu alaykum". It was apparent he was not happy about me being a westerner. Standing shoulder to shoulder with the people around me, they started saying "american-democracy, democracy". Of all the things that we think makes our country great, in the farthest parts of the world, our greatness is defined by the thing that we take for granted.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Why R.O.CK. is wrong

R.O.C.K. stands for "Reclaim Our Culture Kentuckiana".

I have to question whose culture they're trying to reclaim. You can find more than you want to know about R.O.C.K. right here:

Webster defines Culture as "the attitudes and behavior characteristics of a group of people".

I guess R.O.C.K. thinks we're all a bunch of God-deprived perverts.

If R.O.C.K. is convinced that the problem with our culture is strip joints and adult bookstores, then they are truly clueless about the problems in our culture.

Before everyone starts freaking out, I'm not saying any of this in defense of the adult industry. I'm just taking a logical approach to this using factual information, not emotionalism.
I do believe R.O.C.K. is more concerned about appearance than they are action. They've pounced on a hot topic to get media attention and to rally the churches for a common cause. It's so much easier to go after the adult entertainment business than it is to tackle real social issues that plague out society.

First, let's talk about something no one ever wants to talk about: our youth. There is definitely a change in the culture of our society, and it's with our youth. People talk about a "moral decline" in society. I always find this ironic when this comes from a religious perspective, because it's exactly what Jesus foretold. I'm not concerned about a "moral decline" as if it's going to impact the church. The "moral decline", or rather the "change in culture" that concerns me is a generation of young people who have no hope of a future.

Sure, every young generation has rebelled. So what makes this generation so different? I think the stakes are much higher today than they were in previous generations. It's a culture where being a "gangsta" is cool. Getting high, having sex, and living a life with no responsibility is the norm. Sounds like the '60's, but at age 13?? The drugs are stronger. The consequences are higher. One in four teens will contract a STD, and 50% of all new aids cases are young people (13-24).

People want to blame Mtv, hip hop music, and even video games as the source of the problem. Let's take some responsibility and admit it's our generation that is responsible. Sure, hip hop music and mtv have made it glamorous, but only because we have failed to show that there is any alternative. It's the product of broken marriages, blended families, double income families that have no time and/or no peace in their life that would cultivate a healthy culture. By healthy i'm not referring to something that has to be aligned with any religious organization. I'm talking about the most basic of human emotions. A culture that says I care, I love you, I think you are wonderful, I believe in you, I know you can do it. There are youth today that literally do not understand the word "kind". They don't value friendships because they really don't know what one looks like. Their loyalties are only to themselves. I'm not bashing youth, nor am I talking about all of them. I'm talking about the forgotten ones. I'm talking about the ones that as a society have been written off as losers, low lifes, and future convicts. If you think I'm overreacting, try talking to the 13 year old girl who's convinced that the only thing in her future is jail time. Have a conversation with the 16 year old who was repeatedly sexually assaulted by her natural father, who now smokes crack with her mom. These aren't scenes from some tv show from Los Angeles, these are real conversations with our neighbors. It's the kids down the street.

Second, let's talk about porn and how it impacts our society. I have no doubt that porn has a negative impact on our society. I know people who are just as addicted to porn as an alcoholic is to alcohol. The real question is where does the real threat come from? Is it really the DVD store on main that hardly does any business, or is it that high speed internet connection that brings everything to the privacy of you own home?? The gambling boat did more damage to the adult business than anyone will ever give it credit for. More adult clubs have gone out of business since the arrival of Caesars than any ordinance passed. If a guy has a few hundred dollars of disposable income, he's headed to the boat to get lucky instead of the strip joint. His odds are much better at the boat! With the internet, you now have women addicted to porn. Marriages are broken by "online lovers".

What does R.O.C.K. have to do with this? Simple. If R.O.C.K. really wanted to change the culture, they would abandon their high profile media attention getting cause and start actively and creatively producing programs for youth. The porn drum is too easy for them to pound. They can sit back and point their fingers at others and never accomplish a thing except to feel good about themselves. As for as their religious agenda, it's even more misdirected. I'll never understand why religious groups attack the adult business, when it's obvious in both the old and the new testament of the Bible, God even had a purpose for prostitutes. (that's the best way I can put it. People at my church get mad when I say that "even God used prostitutes", it just sounds bad). I really believe, and statistics support, that these people do it because the true lust, the true sin, is so deeply embedded into their own hearts. Let's face it. Unless you've been under a ROCK (pun intended), you can get all the porn and adult stuff delivered right to your screen. The internet porn industry is the fastest growing business on the web. 25% of all web content is porn. Do these people really think it's Theater X that's causing the problem?

If it's a moral issue based on religious values, then take it to the pulpit. Preach it! Stop being such hypocrites and embarrassments to Jesus Christ. It's the church that has a higher divorce percentage than the world. 37% of Pastors are addicted to porn (we don't even need to mention the Catholic Priests and their problems do we?). In all my years of attending church and listening to sermons from other churches, I have yet to hear one sermon that condemns pornography, but yet I'm always reading about how important it is to shut these businesses down!!

If you want to put these places out of business, then help develop a culture where a young woman values herself. Where she respects herself enough not to ever work in a place. I'm not blaming women, but I will blame the men. Not the men who patronize these places, but the ones who make their girlfriends work there because their too lazy to get a job, or the men that have children and then disappear, leaving the young girl with two kids and no education to suddenly provide for a family.

R.O.C.K.'s latest billboard is correct. It is someones daughter. It's someones daughter who might have been abandoned by a father, or who's father was an addict, or who emotionally deserted her. It's someones daughter who fell in love with someones son who promised to love her forever, but dumped her after she had a couple kids because he didn't want to be tied down. It's someones daughter who has never been told she is loved or has value, and now feels that "every dollar counts" as a sign of approval. It's also a son who has surfed porn on dad's computer since he was nine, and has no respect for women at all. He sees them as objects for his amusement, and if they get pregnant that's their problem, not his.

To change the culture, or to "reclaim" the culture, you have to take ownership of the culture. You have to teach, instruct, care, and put energy into the youth that feel nothing. Removing the adult clubs might be something you can high-five your buddy about at the country club, but it hasn't done a thing for the people who felt so worthless that they were willing to work there.

Friday, November 30, 2007


My son is attending Public School for the first time this year. He attended private schools, and then he was home schooled for the last 3 years.

I was in and out of public/private schools my whole life. I'm a fan of public schools. I graduated from a public school, and some how I turned out ok.

Home schooling was good, but there is a social element that is missing. I know that creates a great discord when you say that around other home school parents, but it's true.

I think Christian/private school is the first level of trying to overprotect your child, put them in the "Christian Bubble" and keeping them away from "lost people" or "those people". I've heard it from parents for years. Their kids are "safer" than at a public school. Home Schooling takes that to the next level. At home, your kids don't have to interact or be exposed to anything but what you want them to. I know home school kids tend to be over achievers and way ahead academically. I wonder if it's so that one day they can actually leave the house!

We visited Scribner Middle School before we enrolled my son. I was very impressed. I was also very impressed with their "no bullying" policy.

The p0licy, from what I'm told, was created after there was a large fight in the cafeteria, and afterward they surveyed the students and asked them what was the biggest problem at school. The response was overwhelmingly the same: Bullying.

Webster defines a bully as "a person who uses strength or power to harm or intimidate those who are weaker".

Considering I was a small fry during my years in school, this was a huge relief for me. My son, on the other hand, is a 5'6", 175 pound 12 year old who's solid as a rock. He's a big kid, but he has a gentle heart. I knew school would be an adjustment for him, but at least I didn't have to worry about him being bullied, or at least not in the same way that webster defines it.

We've raised our children to be kind to others, to be polite. He doesn't curse, doesn't drink, smoke, do drugs, or date. He's a great kid. He's different because he doesn't do what most 12 year olds do who thinks life is supposed to reflect Mtv's Real World.

His first day of school, a kid half his size tried to pick a fight. He heard more language than he had ever heard. We were expecting that. It's what he began experiencing later that has thrown all of us off.

I guess as we get older, we forget just how mean kids can get. Maybe kids are meaner today than they were when I was growing up.

We probably all remember "sticks and stones will break your bones, but words will never hurt you". So what happens when you take away the sticks and stones? Your left with verbal abuse.

Since Scribner has a zero tolerance policy, the only way kids can hurt each other without suspension is to verbally attack each other. The shocking part: apparently, the most hurtful words are to call someone "Gay" or "Lesbian".

When tolerance is taught and discussed, and when the teacher asks about gay marriage, it almost unanimous that it should be allowed. Moments later, if you want to cut a schoolmate to the bone, call them gay or lesbian.

As a society, verbal abuse, emotional abuse has somehow become acceptable. It used to be you could work it out on the playground, but now you just get to mentally torture a kid everyday and never get in trouble for it.

Is it a result of more and more adults lacking self control? Is the example of the ex wife/ex husband ripping each apart in front of the children? Is it the verbal freedoms the children witness on television, where somehow it's become comedy to belittle and "punk" someone for your own amusement?

I'm not ranting or feeling sorry for my son. He's strong and is just looking for guidance on how to deal with these situations.

I'm grieving for how these kids, some already suffering from lack of self-esteem, abandonment issues, and abuse at home, are hurting each other everyday in an effort to try to make themselves feel a little bit better about themselves, or maybe even just to feel anything. I'm not sure some of them even know how to make friends, or in this cut-throat world what a real friend even looks like. God knows it's not modeled anywhere on television.

Things escalated the other day. My son came to me telling me about an incident on the bus. He was struck by a girl. Not a slap, but a closed fisted punch that broke the skin and left a bruise. He's ignored her taunts for weeks, and he admits and takes responsibility for taunting her back. When she got off the bus, she took her shot. With her record with "juvie" and her history of in-school suspensions, this was nothing new for her. I have to wonder where she learned to resolve conflict this way.

My son wanted to handle it himself, and meet with her and the guidance counselor at school to try to come to some type of peaceful resolution to this. Unfortunately, he won't have the opportunity. It's a physical act, so now it's escalated and there will be action taken.

This has left me with two thoughts to ponder: If we would take action at the verbal level of abuse, would it escalate to the point of physical action, and what are we really modelling to our children? We say everything on television isn't harmful, but is it any way redeeming or of value?

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Catching up!

It's been awhile since I've actually had time to blog. I spent the entire summer remodeling our 30 year old motorhome.

It took a more time than I anticipated. The actual work wasn't that bad, it was finding the time to work on it that was difficult.

We took the motorhome out to feed the homeless last weekend. I had to take a couple months off while I was coaching soccer, and I didn't realize how much I missed serving others! We had a lot of folks help prepare and serve the food. We delivered over 200 meals and 100 cups of homemade chicken noodle soup!

Speaking of the homeless, we're collecting winter items at the print shop (302 pearl in downtown new albany). If you happen to be cleaning out a closet, here are some things we could really use:
Winter Coats, the bigger, the better!
Scarves (if you can find a fleece throw on sale for $3, you can make 8 scarves out of it!)
new socks
sweat shirts (preferably with hoods)
Long Underwear
Blankets/sleeping bags/comforters
just casual stuff. no need for dress clothes or fancy stuff!

The rule of thumb is if you won't wear it, don't donate it. We're not being picky. Just because someone is homeless doesn't mean they want to be.
Make sure items are clean before donating them. Here's some food for thought: only 10% of the items donated to goodwill and other organizations are actually used for the needy. the rest are sold to clothes "recyclers" for profit. If you want to make sure your clothing is really making a difference, then please drop it off. If you want to help hand them out, we'll be heading out bright and early xmas morning!

Monday, May 21, 2007

treat yourself at treet's

My new favorite place is Treet's Cafe on Market Street in Downtown New Albany.

If you haven't been there yet, you're really missing something. The food is excellent and the people are great.

Their hours are from 10am to 2pm Monday through Friday. They're open on Saturdays for the next couple of weeks to see if there's enough interest for Saturday hours on a regular basis.

Starting on June 4th, they will be open from 1oam to 6pm.

Why am I recommending them? It has to do with more than it being a good restaurant. It's because with all the talk of downtown coming back, they need your support. Please read my posts below about being intentional. I'm asking folks to be intentional and support the downtown restaurants. I know others are doing everything they can to help out. Downtown Neighborhood associations are volunteering their time on Saturdays to make this restaurant successful.

Give it a try. I know they've had their ups and downs, but hey, it's a startup. It's not a nationwide chain with a boatload of startup cash. It's a small place owned by our neighbor who has a love of downtown. Let's all do what we can to help our neighbors, shall we??

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

My Personal Thanks

I want to thank everyone who supported and encouraged me to run for city council.

I also want to congratulate Harry Harbison. I had the privilege of meeting Harry and I think he is a wonderful person.

This has been a very educating experience for me.

I may have lost the election, but my hope is that enough change will take place that New Albany and it's citizens will ultimately win in th end.

Thank you all!!!

Monday, May 7, 2007

Please Vote!

Tomorrow is election day.

It's a primary in a non-presidential election. There's not a lot of reasons to take time out of your day to go vote.

Or is there?

Simply because there is no presidential election does not make this election any less important. This election is very important to the people of New Albany. A local election will not have any impact on the price of gas or the Iraq War, but it will have an impact on the way we live our lives on a daily basis here in New Albany.

Of course I'm going to ask you to vote for me, but more importantly, I'm going to ask you to vote. Vote for a change in New Albany. There are plenty of new candidates running for office, and the harvest is ripe.

I'm not saying New Albany has to be like any other city, but let's restore this city to the greatness of it's past and give it a future our children and grandchildren can enjoy and be proud of.

It's all up to you.

Thank you for your encouragement and support!